You need a withdrawal card to suspend your dues while on lay off. Call Linda @ 763.267.6150
To get information about unemployment benefits or to apply for benefits on-line go to: Minnesota State Unemployment Benefits
The Teamster Service Bureau is there to help with:
Workforce Training and Development: job specific technical skill & work-related basic skill development including computer literacy, adult continuing education and English as a second language (ESL).
Dislocated Worker Program providing vocational counseling, training and job placement.
Free, confidential assistance for Teamsters and their families. Assistance for:
- alcohol & drug abuse
- personal/family counseling
- compulsive gambling
- suicide prevention
- family violence, rape
- financial problems
For more information call 612.676.3700 or 1-800.979.9725 Fax 612-676-3748
For more info see: Service Bureau
The Teamsters Food Shelf is a safety net for your family in time of need. The Food Shelf is for Teamsters who are dislocated due to plant closure, laid off or on strike, etc. It is open Tuesday and Wednesday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Call the union hall at 763.267.6150 to qualify and arrange for a visit.
If you have loans at the Honeywell Federal Credit Union call 612-951-1500 and press #1 to talk to a representative about making your payments and preserving your credit rating.
Article XIX Section 4:
“If business conditions require a reduction in employee hours of work, employees affected shall be laid off in seniority order with the person having the least seniority being laid off first; provided that an employee may be retained out of seniority order if employees with greater seniority do not have the ability to perform the job within a reasonable period of time.
When additional employees are required, employees on layoff shall be recalled in seniority order with the employee having the most seniority recalled first; provided the employee has the necessary qualifications. If there are no qualifications the employee will be recalled if he/she has sufficient ability to satisfactorily perform the job within a reasonable period of time.”
Appendix A Section 1:
“Seniority shall be cumulative from the first day of employment with the Company. Such cumulative seniority shall be lost if the employee:
- Resigns voluntarily.
- Is discharged for just cause.
- Fails to report within three (3) work days after notice to report has been sent by registered mail to the last address according to the Company’s records and the employee does not give a satisfactory reason for failure to report.
- Has been continuously out of the service of the Company for two (2) years or a period of time greater than his or her accumulated seniority at the time of leaving the Company’s service but not to exceed five (5) years. Employees on leaves of absence shall not be considered out of the service of the Company under this paragraph (D).”
Examples: If you have 2 years or less of seniority you have 2 years recall rights. If you have 3 years seniority you have 3 years recall rights. If you have 4.5 years seniority you have 4.5 years recall rights. If you have 5 years or more seniority you have 5 years recall rights.