"I will never apologize for standing up for my fellow Teamsters and All American Workers"
Become A TeamsterMinnesota State Capital - 2011
Honeywell Contract Vote to Strike - US Armory, Minneapolis
The Teamsters are America’s largest, most diverse union. In 1903, the Teamsters started as a merger of the two leading team driver associations. These drivers were the backbone of America’s robust economic growth.
In the early 1950s Local 1145 switched representation to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT).
If you don’t have a union in your workplace, you don’t have guaranteed wages, health benefits or a secure pension. You are an “at-will” employee.
Local 1145 is part of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
For more than a century, the Teamsters Union has helped millions of workers achieve the American dream.
Our success is a testament to those who came before us, who stood together to form a union and a labor movement.
These workers fought for the rights and privileges that today most Americans take for granted.
Without the solidarity of unions, there would be no weekends, no pensions and no health insurance.
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9422 Ulysses St NE, Suite 130
Blaine, MN 55434